Monday, 11 February 2013

Maybe you can relate to this.  I am a 43 year old woman who is trying her best everyday to uncover some beauty.  This goal is rooted in my identity as someone raising a couple of kids, who has been married for 23 years, who has a T3 spinal cord injury and has used a wheelchair for 36 years, and who has lived on the Canadian Prairie all of her life.  I am a writer, feminist, disability advocate, aspiring cook, music lover, sports enthusiast, committed CBC supporter, avid reader, yoga attempter, coffee devotee, and ideas junkie.  This might sound pretty positive and upbeat, and it is, but it is also true that life can seem pretty dark to me sometimes.  It is busy, stressful, difficult, tense, hurried, and fraught with stories, messages, and images that are sad, fearful, and hopeless.  I have experienced, and continue to experience, my share of depression that at times have disabled me more than my severed spinal cord.  In this blog, I will not promise to know all the answers, but I do know this: happiness is work.  Finding beauty every day is work.  Hard work.  Sometimes it is in the places I least expect it.  But it is always there.  And that is what I hope to share with you.


  1. Heather you are an inspiration to us all. You have accoplished more than anybody. It great to hear someone say hey they know Heather I always the first to say that she is my first cousin. Iam looking forward to read what you have to say on your blog Keep written Heather your words are so inspirational to us all...... expectally me

  2. Wow, Heather. It's always cathartic when the written word can bring a tear to my eye. You have a way with words, and life. I'll keep tuning in!

  3. Thanks for the support, Denise. Don't tell anyone but you were always my favourite cousin. ;) When I think of you, I remember when Poppo died and we sat at prayers together and you held my hand. You were sad too, but you still tried to make me feel better.
    And thanks, Laura. Those words mean a lot, coming from the smartest girl in the room.

    1. and by the smartest girl, I mean you, not me! haha!
