Tuesday 10 September 2013

10 Ways to Find Beauty Today

10 Ways To Find Beauty Today

1. Look Up - there are few better blues than those of an autumn sky
2. Smile at a stranger, or better yet, say hello with a smile
3. Breathe deeply
4. Clean out a drawer- you never know what you will find
5. Be thankful that you have a drawer to clean out
6. Laugh or make someone else laugh
7. Take a moment to be grateful, say thank you for all that you have been given and worked hard for
8. Go for a walk - see #1
9. Give something away - a compliment, a book, a reference, a recipe
10. Avoid ending a sentence with a preposition and try not to judge when someone else does it (for example, do not look back at #7).  While this may not have anything to do with beauty, I felt I had to say something about that "for" that is just hanging there.

A snapshot of my own drawer that needs cleaning out.  Please do not judge.  :)

wishing you a day where you find your own ways of finding beauty (and please share when you do),

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