Tuesday 24 September 2013

Chili Report

This blog, as you already know, is about uncovering beauty everyday, sometimes in the places you least expect to find it.  For me, that beauty pops up all over the place - at home, in my neighbourhood, in art, in the actions of strangers, or in music, just to name a few of those places.  With autumn officially here, I continually find beauty in warm comforts, like wearing a fuzzy wool sweater and holding a steamy cup of coffee in my hands on a chilly morning.  And there is little more beautiful on a busy weeknight than to know a big, warm pot of nutritious and happy food is sitting on the stove, ready to feed a bunch of hungry people.  I promised I'd let you know how that chili worked out, so here's the report:  the lentils added great body and texture, making it thick and rich and perfect for folding up into wraps for lunches today.  A successful risk taken!

wishing you a beautiful fall day,

p.s.  I also made up Michael Smith's recipe for Whole Wheat Biscuits.  I agree with his method of grating the frozen butter into the dry ingredients. This made quick work of bringing the dough together and once baked, they were the flakiest I have ever made.  The only change I will make next time is using buttermilk - but never fear, Chef Smith encourages us to change up his recipes and make them our own. This is one of the things I like best about him.


  1. I have tried the grating frozen butter trick, and it is a good little tip. Even if my hand was completely numb by the time I was finished, haha!

  2. Hi Angie,
    Thanks for your comment, and yes it is a good tip! I was going to write that next time I will get someone else to do this part then decided against it lest I sounded wimpy! Ha! At least one of us is totally honest!

  3. So glad the chili was good!

    Isn't he great about that? Always saying his recipes are easily modified. Gives me a license to experiment. I used to like the Urban Peasant. He wasn't hung up on picky ingredients. Started my education about substitutions.
